Healing From Your Heart
"Rays of Light" - A Healing Modality
Linda Street

Workshops and Classes


The Workshops Below are not currently available

Please watch for them to be offered at a later date:


Letting Go with Love Workshop


5 hour workshop

Fee:  $75.00

Participants: Limited to 6

Choose to “lighten up” and enjoy life the way it was meant to be lived. This workshop is available to assist you in making new choices which allows the “letting go” of old choices and patterns that do not feel good. You can learn how to make new choices, allowing the releasement of past patterns that have been weighing you down. It is always about choice. This workshop is very interactive and participants will be asked to share their personal thoughts within the group.

In this workshop there is a focus on creating more awareness within yourself to support happiness and spiritual growth. With greater awareness and in using your “will” you can learn to create more of what it is that you wish to receive, recognizing and knowing that you are deserving. The "Rays of Light" and the Nature Sticks will be used along with meditations to assist you in digging deeply. The Angels and the Nature Beings will be present in each Nature Stick and assisting with this Workshop.

Information and teachings are incorporated from Linda’s book titled, “Rays of Light” – Listen to the Dark. Each participant will receive a Nature Stick to take home to continue to assist with the new choices and to support your spiritual growth.

What are Nature Sticks? The Nature Sticks allow you to connect with your own Divine essence and support you in making new choices that feel good, while releasing and allowing you to  "let go" of old limiting patterns that weigh you down and effect your spiritual growth. This opens you more to attract what feels good and loving, supporting your spiritual growth and enlightenment. Nature Sticks can be used for meditations, releasing old patterns and emotions, connecting to your higher self for information, for guidance, and for bringing in peaceful and calming frequencies and energies when you need or desire them. The perfect Angels and the Nature Beings step in with each Nature Stick to assist in the “lightening up” and releasing.

For questions please contact Linda Street at 440-360-7854 or lindastreet@healingfromyourheart.com


Energy Healing Workshop


5 hour workshop

Fee:  $75.00

Participants: Limited to 6


Learn to clean and/or unblock each of your 13 primary chakras while practicing the techniques with others. Regularly cleansing your chakras and your energy centers will assist with your everyday quality of life. Basic information about these chakras will be shared in the workshop. Learn to access the “Rays of Light” as you practice cleansing another person’s chakras while receiving a chakra cleansing for yourself. The etheric beings of the Divine will be working with each participant to assist in the cleansing. The details and information are outlined in the “Rays of Light” ~ Listen to the Dark book authored by Linda Street. This workshop includes a free copy of this book. You do not need a certification; you only need awareness, information, and practice.

For questions please contact Linda Street at 440-360-7854 or lindastreet@healingfromyourheart.com


Current Courses offered:


"Rays of Light" - Elevate Your Divine Connection


This class is not for everyone. It is a two and one half day course.  Please email Linda at lindastreet@healingfromyourheart.com or call 440-360-7854 to inquirre about attending.

Participants: Limited to 6 participants

Cost: $325.00


Class Description:


In this class you will receive an “elevation” of your Divine connection to the Divine Source and “all that is” and to Mother Earth and the Earth energies. These elevations will deepen and broaden your Divine connection on all levels; bringing you a step closer to oneness, allowing greater growth and understanding and access to higher frequencies. As your connection deepens, you will come to experience a greater hearing, seeing, knowing, tasting, experiencing and understanding with a new level of awareness.

The deeper connection with Mother Earth will support you in allowing you to step into harmony and balance while being anchored very deeply into this physical plane. This allows you to experience the high frequencies with clarity and understanding while keeping you in tune and balanced, anchoring you into a solid base, removing illusions and distractions.

Deepening your connection to your Divine Source will serve to bring you into harmony and balance with frequencies deep within the Universe, beyond the imagination. It will allow you to set a course into the unknown, exposing you to a deep love just waiting to be tapped.

Each time you access the Rays your connection is deepened, little by little. This elevation will lift you or “boost you” to a higher level, than your current connection. Each of you is different; therefore each of you is elevated to a higher level from where you are at that moment, to the level that is perfect for you and your growth. There is no limit to your elevation, and each will be elevated accordingly, no one to be the same. It is similar to taking the short cut, yet you have truly completed the work to take you there.

These accelerated frequencies and energies will continue to assist you along your path, whether you use them primarily for yourself, or in assisting others. It is all the same in the end, as you are each creating a beautiful ripple effect impacting the entire universe. These frequencies will be available to you access however you are guided, at the perfect time and at the perfect place, and of course, it will always be your choice.

In order to be considered for this class, please contact Linda Street with your request. This class is not approved for everyone, so please contact Linda if you wish to be considered, and she will communicate with you individually as to whether you would be approved. There is a requirement, for those attending the class, to read the entire book, “Rays of Light” – Listen to the Dark, from cover to cover, prior to start of the class.


Contact Information

Location:  Westlake, OH
Phone: (440) 360-7854
Email: lindastreet@healingfromyourheart.com